
Understanding the Landscape

Discover the beauty of nature in the book Understanding the Landscape by Babs Decruyenaere. This book will take you on a special journey where the author connects deeply with the small and precious things of nature. Decruyenaere collects stones with interesting shapes and textures and transforms them into works of art that highlight the beauty of nature. Understanding the Landscape is not just a book, it’s a mixture of nature observation and personal thoughts. It’s about looking at ordinary things in a special way and finding a safe haven in the chaos of a big city.

Photographer(s): Text:
Babs Decruyenaere
Format: Pages:
32 x 30 cm 48
Design: Images:
Janneke Schrey
Publisher: Binding:
1605 Collective Double pamphlet stitched binding
Printer: Printing:
Swan Lenoir Offset printing, cover: silkscreen with embossing
Date: Edition:
September, 2023 200
The Netherlands