The Passenger
In The Passenger David Nollet takes his viewers through Belgian stations and their adjacent neighbourhoods. With Brussels as epicentre, he visited dozens of stations and their immediate surroundings, fanning out in all directions across Belgium. The energetic riff of Iggy Pop’s spirited punk hit ‘The Passenger’ as the theme tune of his photographic exploration.
Photographer(s): | Text: |
David Nollet | Laurent De Maertelaer |
Format: | Pages: |
104 | |
Design: | Images: |
Kaat Flamey | |
Publisher: | Binding: |
Cape of Good Hope | Sewn |
Printer: | Printing: |
L.Capitan (Graphius Belgium) | |
Date: | Edition: |
June, 2024 | |
Place: | |
Brussels |