Tell me I am pretty so I can sleep at night
Two authors, a photographer and a writer. He in love with her, she in love with a woman. The project tells the story of an unrequited love and documents how the feeling of desire can overpower one. It’s part of every human being, wanting to be desired but at the same time the denial of it.
Photographer(s): | Text: |
Marie Dhaese | Reindert Vermeire |
Format: | Pages: |
20 x 24 cm | 90 + 45 |
Design: | Images: |
Marie Dhaese & Evelien Gilles | 50 |
Publisher: | Binding: |
Self-published | Two books in one, both separately for use but belong together |
Printer: | Printing: |
Cultura, Wetteren | Offset |
Date: | Edition: |
Januari, 2018 | 200 |
Place: | |
Ghent |